Wednesday, January 25, 2017


    Whats it going to take to make these kids understand. I swear they live to drive us crazy. The 13 and 12 year old fight like dogs. The 8 and 6 year old act like babys. None of them seem to want to do anything but play video games. Cant get any of them to wash a dish much less was their bodys. The way kids are now a days is unreal. I would have never acted the way these kids today act. I would have had a back hand. A kid my daughter goes to school with took her phone throw it down on the ground and stomped on it. Cause she a white kid. What did the school do about it... Nothing as always. The number of referrals and calls home I get from this school district for my kids is unbelievable. I know I am a bit all over the place right now. Like I said in my last post Im going crazy now Im just writing as I feel the need to speak my mind. Done for the moment. Back to the books I go.

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