Monday, February 6, 2017

Legging Army

Bits N Pieces Brushstroke Justified Hottie Tottie

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


    Whats it going to take to make these kids understand. I swear they live to drive us crazy. The 13 and 12 year old fight like dogs. The 8 and 6 year old act like babys. None of them seem to want to do anything but play video games. Cant get any of them to wash a dish much less was their bodys. The way kids are now a days is unreal. I would have never acted the way these kids today act. I would have had a back hand. A kid my daughter goes to school with took her phone throw it down on the ground and stomped on it. Cause she a white kid. What did the school do about it... Nothing as always. The number of referrals and calls home I get from this school district for my kids is unbelievable. I know I am a bit all over the place right now. Like I said in my last post Im going crazy now Im just writing as I feel the need to speak my mind. Done for the moment. Back to the books I go.

Needing Friends

I need friends. I think I am going crazy. There is so much going on and don't even have time to breathe. I don't have anyone to talk to about everything. I can only talk to my husband about so much then its like talking to a wall. What I really need is a day away from everything.
On a good note we are looking at a couple of houses to buy. Cross your fingers for us.
I don't feel like doing anything. Writing this post is even taking a lot for me. I have so much homework to do, house work to do, and more im just to drained. This is all I am writing today. Thanks everyone. Dont forget to take a look at my legging site everyone the link is at the top.

Monday, January 9, 2017

WOW What a Day

One Salty Kinda Day

I have had the longest day in a long time. I had traffic court in another town (and hour away) Then had to have my figured out. She is as stubborn as I am and that's never a good thing. She hasn't been running well for about a month and now we have found the problem. DAMN coil packs almost had to buy her a PCM Computer $$$$$$ that would have killed me so 1 coil pack for me Alex.
Then the kids were out of school since its so cold out NOT bad roads which I'm glad that care now about the temp outside for kids. But then lets add some salt to today's recipe.... My husbands been sick ALL day. My youngest step daughter got sick last night around midnight but come 7am and she was *ping*ping*ping* off the walls with my FIVE YEAR OLD. So I of course had to have my brother come and help with the kids while my husband was resting since I had to work. No need for us both to be jobless. I'm just glad the kids are a sleep I think for the first time in months I will be able to get to sleep before midnight. Cant wait to see what that's going to be like. I sure have forgot.

OOHH a little more salt for the day. The first day of my spring college semester starts IN THE MORNING OHHH

Night all

Sunday, January 8, 2017

New Part Time Job

So I found a site that sells Leggings and I signed up to be a sales rep. Please check it out. If you would like to sign up and start selling leggings on your own let me know and I will help you get started. I really like the company so far. Waiting for my first pair of leggings to arrive. I will let everyone know what I think when they get here.
Legging Army
 Please check out the site. Let me know your thoughts as well after you get your pair or pairs :)